Management Audits

Management Audit helps us to analyze the health of company management. It plays a vital role in management support system. This is essential to strengthen the way the operations are planned, structured and executed in an enterprise. In short, it is an inspection of company management. Here the actions and decisions of management is assessed and evaluated critically and it is mostly preferred by Investor Group Shareholders.

Internal Audits

We recognize that the primary objective of internal audits is to provide the audit committee, senior management, head of operations, process owners, etc. of the organization with a comprehensive and fair analysis of the corporate governance processes, risks and functional efficiency of clients business and to suggest areas for improvement and value-addition

Our Internal Audit methodology is a risk based approach that focuses on our clients’ objectives and impediments to achieve those objectives

Our audit focus is on evaluation of internal controls, review of the existing business process, policies and practices, identify areas of revenue leakages and cost reduction, recommending practical solutions, compliance reviews etc.

Project audits

Project Audits are carried out in a phased manner, right from the Planning to execution phase, where each milestone is assessed/reviewed for the inputs (cost, material etc) and the outcome of each phase is audited, with the budget slab.

Risk assessment / reviews

Risk analyses are carried out during the execution of every phase of a business process and the corresponding risk factors envisaged are duly studied , to generate a Risk Mitigation Report. This helps our clients to minimize unavoidable risks and also take a different course in cases, where risks can be nullified.

Fund utilization assessment / review

Reviews specifically designed for the trust which provide assurance to the contributor that amount has been utilized for the purpose it was given and compliance monitoring of other terms.


  • Management Audit to improve management’s efficiency
  • Ensure that the resources are utilized at optimum level.
  • Points out deficiencies during Audit
  • Recommends improved methods of Operations at all level of management ; if required necessary
  • Find out weaknesses in Internal Control System and convey it with suitable suggestions
  • Provides signals about company sickness beforehand
  • Help you to magnify and foresee problems and suggest suitable remedies
  • Cover managerial performance evaluation system in this process
  • Assess plans and policies of the company as a part of Audit process
  • Check Performance evaluation of human resources is done at every level of process.

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